Gospel Music Singer Norman Frink was a soloist until he met Vera after the death of his wife Martha. Vera, a widow since 2017, led a group for 20 years during the “60’s” and “70’s called the ” Master’s Quartet.” Together, they have a combined total of 65 years of Gospel Music. They both are recording artist, and are sent out from West Gate Baptist Church,Tampa, FL, Norman graduated from Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO., Class of “73”, and Carolina University of Theology, Belmont, NC., with a B.A., M.Th., and D.Th., 1994, as well as an Honorary D.Th. from Salt Lake Baptist College, Salt Lake City, UT., 1997. He also has two degrees in Real Estate. He has also been involved with being an interim pastor to many Baptist church in many areas of our nation.
We are not at your church to entertain, but rather to produce in the congregation the desire to serve, love, and glorify the God of Heaven. We are here to help you determine what God wants of and from one as an individual. Listen to every song and it’s message. We pray it brings you joy and happiness and that the songs reach their hearts and brings them closer to Him.