What We Believe

Please be advised that I send a more complete page of our Beliefs with the packet I send out to each church that books me to sing and preach.  Please see “Our Statement of Faith,”  for a more detailed account. The following are but just a few of our beliefs that will give the pastor a thumb nail sketch of what we believe.

  • We believe in the Trinity:  The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one.

  • We believe in the Great Commission:  Go, Preach, Baptize the new converts.

  • We believe in the two great Commandments:  “Love God with all your heart” & “Love your neighbor as yourself”

  • We believe in the Virgin Birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ founded the Church.

  • We believe that the church that Jesus started is local and autonomous. 

Our goal is to help raise up believers and through our ministry of singing and preaching to grow and support their local Baptist church in which God has placed them.  Our Ministry is not about ourselves, but to be an encouragement to the pastor and the Independent church as a whole, singing those songs that speak to the heart and soul of God’s people.  So many pastors believe that when prices for seemingly high paying are lower than “normal”, that the quality is jeopardized.  However, in the Christian realm, this is not necessarily true.  We are prone to minister rather that make money.  Just saying.  That is why Vera and I come to minister on love-offering basis.  We are ministers of the Gospel through the medium of music.